Click on the video and hit “F” to make it full-screen; be sure to choose high definition! (NOTE: A few things have slightly changed since I recorded this video: All assignments/essays are done on, uploaded to, and graded by Canvas online; classes are 50 minutes.)

• Christian-worldview high school college-credit classes
• $500 per class for 1-semester (3-credit) class, $600 per class for 2-semester (3-credit) class
• 50-minute live online class, once per week
• 31 weeks, August through April/early May (16 classes before Christmas/New Year’s, 15 classes after)
• 24 years of experience teaching high schoolers

Frequently asked questions about the online college credit classes (scroll down or watch above video!):

Who are you? • What are these classes like? • How do the college/high school credits work?Will these credits transfer?When do the classes meet?In what order should my student take these classes?What does my student do during the week?What about tests/grades/record keeping?How much do the classes cost?I have more questions; can I contact you?

Who are you?
I’m a Christian homeschooling dad with six graduates and one teenager; I’ve been married since 1990 to my wife Julie. In high school I got interested in government/politics and literature, started tutoring math on the side, worked one year each as a teacher/zookeeper in a government school and a Christian school, and started my high school co-op in 2002.

I’ve written several books, including American Government, Economics, and Civics books for Christian homeschoolers, and also edited six literature sets for Christian homeschoolers (7th through 12th “grade”). I’ve also written two “Homeschool Humor” books.

Right now with my classes I’m really focused on helping Christian high schoolers learn subjects like literature and history and government from an exciting, Christian worldview! I went to government schools throughout my elementary, high school, and college years, and the evolutionist/socialist/statist dreck they threw at us even back then (I graduated from high school in 1987) stuck in my mind, in the sense that I thought, when I started teaching, I’m going to give these kids the absolute opposite of that: the truth!

What are these classes like?
We meet once per week for 50 minutes using Jitsi, a Zoom clone. If it’s the Week 12 class, for example, we’ll review Week 11’s assignments (partly by giving students opportunities to discuss them in smaller, “breakout” groups), introduce new topics, run through what we’re going to do the coming week, do some class activity, and so on. I’ll answer questions and give students plenty of opportunities to interact and give their input. I enjoy working with high schoolers, so we’ll have a good time and learn a lot!

NOTE: These online, live classes are only for students who have (1) completed their work (and are otherwise prepared) and (2) are willing to interact and speak with other students and me in class, with their cameras on during the class! This makes classes much more interesting and edifying…and fun!

You can find out more details about the material we cover in the classes at the very bottom of this page.

How do the college/high school credits work?
I’m partnering with York University, a Christian university in Nebraska. [See this page.] I teach each college-credit-earning dual enrollment class, record your student’s dual enrollment grades, and send them in to the university. All your student has to do for each dual enrollment class is (a) register online with the university (It’s free!); (b) complete our weekly readings, essays, and quizzes at home; and (c) complete and upload one paper/assignment per three-credit class to the university’s web site. (We’ll work on each paper/assignment during class and at home, and I will grade them myself before students upload them to the university’s web site.) I can give you more details about the exact steps to take to register your student when the time comes.

Here’s a breakdown of the college/high school credits:

ClassSuggested High School CreditsCollege DE Credits
American Government
2 semesters
American Government (1)American Government (3)
American Literature (includes Composition and Grammar)
2 semesters
English (1)American Literature (3)
1 semester
Civics (1/2)None
1 semester
Economics (1/2)None
Composition I (includes Classic Literature, Grammar, and Composition)
1 semester
English (1/2)Composition I (3)
Composition II (includes Classic Literature, Grammar, and Composition)
1 semester
English (1/2)Composition II (3)
Western Civilization I (World History I)
1 semester
Western Civilization/World History I (1/2)Western Civilization I (3)
Western Civilization II (World History II)
1 semester
Western Civilization/World History II (1/2)Western Civilization II (3)
World Literature (includes Composition)
2 semesters)
English (1)World Literature (3)
U. S. History I
1st semester
U. S. History I (1/2)U. S. History I (3)
U. S. History II
1 semester
U. S. History II (1/2)U. S. History II (3)
British Literature (includes Composition)
2 semesters
English (1)British Literature (3)
Total Credits:830

Note: The high school credits are recommended/suggested credits; your state might have guidelines or oppressive and irritating laws that oversee such things. I am not attempting to give you legal advice on your high schooler’s homeschool credits, or anything else that might end up in my being arrested, sued, thrown in jail for 99 years, or being forced to watch golf on TV.

Will these college credits transfer?
These are nationally accredited classes, in conjunction with a college that has institutional accreditation from the Higher Learning Commission. (This is the same accreditation as, for example, Ohio State University, Notre Dame, and many other midwestern colleges and universities.) Translation: The credits will likely transfer to most other colleges your student wants to attend, although I would personally call myself as a parent any particular institution your student is interested in attending to make sure.

Note: I personally called the admissions offices of many local and out-of-state community colleges and Christian and secular universities and asked them bluntly if the dual enrollment credits would transfer. The admissions officers at all those institutions either outright said, “Yes, they’ll all transfer,” or (paraphrasing) “I can’t officially say ‘Yes, they’ll all transfer’ over over the phone until I look at them personally, because that’s our policy, but I’m sure they’ll transfer.” (This was partly because the dual enrollment classes we’re doing are very common “General Education” ones like English and history, not weird, atypical classes like “Icelandic Pottery” or “Advanced Volleyball” or something like that.) The only admissions officer who said anything different was the one at Bob Jones University, who said the school only takes dual enrollment credits during the junior and senior years of high school–something I’m sure creative homeschooling parents can adjust to….the bottom line is that if you know for sure where your homeschooler will be going to college, I’d call the admissions office to find out their policy on dual enrollment, but I’m confident they’ll be accommodating.

What’s the deadline to sign up?
Students have to sign up and turn in their first tuition by the first week of August. Here’s the signup link.

When do the 2024-25 classes meet?
Beginning in August and going through April/early May (see our calendar here), these classes meet on the following days (all times are EST).
NOTE: The minimum number of students per class is eight; if there are fewer than eight, online classes will be available asynchronously–that is, students will not meet live each week for 50 minutes at a specific time, but instead will have access to recorded lectures that discuss each week’s material after it is assigned.

American Government (more details here)
Tuesdays, 12:00 – 12:50 PM

American Literature (includes Grammar and Composition; more details here)
Tuesdays, 1 – 1:50 PM

Civics (this is usually taken in the same year with Economics, back to back; more details here)
Wednesdays, 2:30 – 3:20 PM (August – December)

Economics (this is usually taken in the same year with Civics, back to back; more details here)
Wednesdays, 2:30 – 3:20 PM (January – April)

Composition I (includes Classic Literature and Grammar; more details here)
Wednesdays, 3:30 – 4:20 PM (August – December)

Composition II (includes Classic Literature and Grammar; more details here)
Wednesdays, 3:30 – 4:20 PM (January – April)

Western Civilization I (more details here)
Tuesdays, 2 – 2:50 PM (August – December)

Western Civilization II (more details here)
Tuesdays, 2 – 2:50 PM (January – April)

World Literature (includes Composition; more details here)
Tuesdays, 3:00 – 3:50 PM (August – April)

U. S. History I (more details here)
Thursdays, 3:00 – 3:50 PM (August – December)

U. S. History II (more details here)
Thursdays, 3:00 – 3:50 PM (January – April)

British Literature (includes Composition; more details here)
Thursdays, 4:00 – 4:50 PM (August – April)

You can see that students who take all the online classes over four years during high school will earn 30 credits, or one year of college/university.

If your student misses a class, I plan on recording them (I’ll never allow anyone outside our class to view them), so I should be able to send you a link for viewing later.

In what order should my student take these classes?
Generally, students take each group of classes by each bullet together in the same year:
Civics, Economics, Composition I, Composition II (usually the “9th grade” or “10th grade” year)
American Government, American Literature (usually the other “9th grade” or “10th grade” year)
Western Civilization I, Western Civilization II, World Literature (usually the “11th grade” or “12th grade” year)
U. S. History I, U. S. History II, British Literature (usually the other “11th grade” or “12th grade” year)

(Bonus: I’ve made it convenient for students to take the above groups of classes together by teaching the groups on the same day of the week, one right after the other).

What does my student do during the week?
I use Canvas, so your student will need to create an account (it’s free), and I’ll assign daily work via that system. (For a small additional fee, I can add things to your student’s assignments like “Day 1: Make dinner,” “Day 2: Tar the roof,” “Day 3: Rub Dad’s feet for an hour,” etc.)

What about tests/grades/record keeping?
Students do testing at home through Canvas; the tests are timed. Canvas has a “Grades” tab which shows students their progress and current scores; parents and students can access this any time.

Students also use Microsoft Word templates to write essays for class and dual enrollment essays/projects, which they upload to the Canvas system for me to grade.

How much do the classes cost?
One-semester classes are $500; two-semester classes are $600. Tuition for classes starting in August is due by July 31st. Tuition for classes starting in January is due by December 1st (the month before).

Can I get more details on the subjects and topics each class covers?
Sure! Just go here or to the top of any page on this web site and click on “College Credit Classes,” and go to the specific class (be sure to choose the correct type: either in-person or online!).

Can I contact you?
Sure! You can email me here or call/text me at the number below.

Sign up here!

50-minute live online classes once per week, meeting either Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday
Three college credits per class (except for Economics or Civics)
Supplies needed: books (links above), a computer with a working camera and microphone, Microsoft Word (not Google Docs!), Internet/email access
Register here.
Pay tuition here.

May the Lord bless your homeschooling journey!
– Scott