Student, here’s what you get from this class:

  • How to multiply and divide numbers in your head (including numbers with decimals!)
  • Speed at working with percents, decimals, and fractions
  • Better ways to solve percent word problems quickly and accurately
  • How to calculate sale prices, tips, prices with tax faster and/or in your head
  • A “free” feeling that you can focus more on higher math concepts, not arithmetic, when you’re learning Algebra
  • Practice sheets, crossword puzzles, word searches, and do-it-yourself quizzes to help you get faster and faster at mental calculations
  • Success in only about 5-15 minutes of practice time per day, four days a week!

How to do the class:

  1. Know your basic arithmetic tables (+, ‒, ×, ÷) quickly and accurately, through 12×12, 132÷12, 9+9, and 18-9).
  2. Get some notebook paper and a small pack of 3×5 or 4×6 note cards.
  3. Watch one video per week (links below), and take notes (transfer notes onto note cards).
  4. Complete the practice sheet for that week after watching the video. Important: Spread practice sheets over four days; this is critical!
  5. Take a quiz on some weeks for Day 4’s practice; score it yourself using the key!
  6. Download and print the practice sheets and quizzes (see below).
  7. Watch yourself getting faster at mental math!

Check out some great high school literature, American Government, and Civics resources for Christian homeschoolers here!

Math Tips & Tricks Video Lessons & Practice Sheets:

Assignment Sheets and Quizzes – Complete Lists